Typically, people consider spring the season of new beginnings. Animals, plants, and humans come out of winter hibernation to get ready for nicer weather and the growth that comes with it. Maybe it’s my previous time working in higher education, but I think fall is a beginning and not an ending. Kids start new grades in school, which is especially apropos in my house this year as we have a new college freshman. Planning begins for the winter holidays and what changes will be made in the new year. Jews, of course, have the high holidays that are a literal new beginning for us. We get to ponder our changes earlier than most.
This fall, one of our own is having a new beginning. Wendy Beckerman will officially retire from her work at Temple B’nai Jeshurun at the end of November. While she isn’t leaving us, thank goodness, she is taking a well-deserved break from her daily service to the Temple and our community. Her legacy and connections are so great that it would be impossible to list everything she has done and everyone she has touched – there isn’t enough paper or time! That said, we are going to do our best to thank her in person on Saturday, September 28 with a special service at 10 a.m. followed by a kiddush lunch celebration. See the announcement in this bulletin for details and RSVP deadline. Wendy deserves all the appreciation and gratitude we can give her so I hope you will be there.
Speaking of gratitude, I would like to thank those who have recently created events for our Temple community. In July, Tara Starr created a bike ride that, of course, included a meal at the end. This event brought together a group of Temple members for an afternoon of camaraderie. It was so well received that another one is being planned – watch your emails for details. Recently, Rachele and Joel Hjelmaas invited us to participate in an interfaith Habitat for Humanity build and the response was overwhelming. I am not surprised as we are usually quick to help others. Thank you, Rachele and Joel, for coordinating and thank you to all who grabbed tools that day.
These are just two examples of people creating opportunities for us to come together. We like to be with each other in both Jewish and secular settings because we are fun people! Tara, Rachele, and Joel decided to make things happen to encourage that. Know that all of you have that freedom because this is your community. If there is something you’d like to do – Jewish or not -, please reach out to a Temple board member; not for approval but to know what you are interested in doing. Again, we are fun people so let’s spend time together in myriad ways.
One more message of gratitude: thanks to our new HVAC system we will be back in our beautiful sanctuary for high holidays this year! Service schedules and other information are in this bulletin and will be appearing in emails shortly. If you can volunteer as an usher, please do so. Having members serve as greeters adds to our inclusiveness during these days of awe. My family and I look forward to worshipping with you as we welcome the year 5785 and ask that it be inscribed as a good one in the Book of Life.
L’shana Tovah!
Emily Kruse