Hopefully I am not the only one who is still basking in the afterglow of the 150th anniversary celebration in February. What a wonderful evening of fellowship and fun! Thank you to all who attended and who bid on auction items. Please read Edye’s recap in this bulletin of not just that event but all the things the 150th committee did this year – there was a lot! It has been a joy to be together as a community at different times throughout the year recognizing this milestone. I am grateful to her, Rachele Hjelmaas, Judy Deutch, Sharon Goldford, and Miriam Van Heukelem for their tireless work over the past year.

Another goal of the150th events over the past year was to raise funds for the endowment – to celebrate 150 years of Temple history and ensure the next 150. While numbers are still being calculated, I am pleased to share that our net raised is about $20,000! Your generosity and support mean this congregation will continue well past our time here. Thank you for your support.

It’s hard to believe that Passover is over, and summer is around the corner. For me, this time of year means preparing for GUCI! My youngest is excited for his fourth year – he asks regularly if it’s time for camp yet. His excitement thrills me as strengthening a Jewish identity and creating a community of Jewish peers are a few of the many benefits of camp. We have 10 TBJ kids going to GUCI this summer, some for the first time. It is my hope they all have the same transformative experiences my boys have had. Hooray for camp!

Summer also means the Temple’s annual meeting. There is an announcement in this bulletin so take a look. Mark your calendars for June 9 at 1 p.m. Join us to recap the last year and hear ideas and plans for the coming year. Along those lines, if you have thoughts on or suggestions of things you’d like to see or do at Temple or if you want to get involved in anything we are doing, please reach out to me at The board and I welcome your input because we represent you.  At the annual meeting, we will also introduce some new members – people who have joined TBJ in the past 12 months. It would be meaningful to have a big crowd to welcome them. And, if you need one more incentive to attend, there will be an ice cream truck graciously sponsored by Wendi Harris and Stuart Oxer!

Wishing you all a fabulous summer!

Emily Kruse