Sign Up to be a Shabbat Greeter
Temple B’nai Jeshurun is a welcoming community and one of the efforts we make is to greet those that join us for our Friday night Shabbat Services. Meeting our congregants and visitors “panim el panim” (face to face) fosters a genuine and authentic connection with that person.
Greeters have an opportunity to make a first impression on visitors to our community, showing that someone is present and open to their needs. Greeters contribute to a welcoming congregational culture and lay a foundation for the rest of the congregation to connect and create meaning with one another.
Temple congregants can sign up to be a Shabbat Greeter by clicking on the button below:

Your role as a Shabbat Greeter: To be a Temple ambassador and welcome all those who enter the Temple. At 5:30 pm during the wine and cheese reception, manage the Welcome Table that is positioned at the entrance to the Social Hall. Welcome each individual and have them make a name tag. If the person in visiting for the first time, take a minute to welcome them and obtain basic information using a Temple contact card. During the wine and cheese reception, meet with others and answer any questions they may have or refer them to certain marketing pieces that are available (new members brochure, new members application, complimentary copy of the Bulletin, etc.). At 6:00 pm, walk with individuals to the Sanctuary and assist by handing out Shabbat programs or making sure prayer books are available to all. At the end of services, assist in organizing the Sanctuary and Social Hall for the next day (all Shabbat programs are picked-up, all prayer books are placed in pews, any trash is addressed, etc.).
Thank you for volunteering as a Shabbat Greeter! The Temple Board appreciates your time and effort dedicated to this important role. We hope you enjoy the opportunity to be a Temple ambassador by greeting our Temple guests to Shabbat services.