Temple Update
Social Action Update
Temple Friends,
Please help us help our Temple friends in need of grocery items during this very difficult time. Our Temple Social Action fund has money available to help. If you or someone you know in our Temple community is in need or if you would like to make a contribution to the fund, please contact Rachele Hjelmaas at rhjelmaas@gmail.com or call the Temple office at 515-274-4679.
Temple B’nai Jeshurun Streaming Schedule
TBJ Video Streaming Schedule
Please contact the Temple at office@templebnaijeshurun.com for link details! Tuesdays The Rabbi of Hogwarts Reads Harry Potter Zoom Webinar Scheduled on Tuesdays through April 28 3 pm CDT
Wednesdays Pirkei Avot Discussion and Study Zoom Webinar Scheduled for Wednesdays through April 29 Time 11 am CDT
Songs and Story Time for Young Children with Rabbi Kaufman Zoom Webinar scheduled through April 29 3 pm CDT
Thursdays Time with Rabbi Kaufman [Peter Pan] Zoom Meeting 3 pm CDT Weekly
Rabbi’s Thursday Evening Adult Education and Introduction to Judaism Classes Zoom Webinar Thursday Evenings Scheduled just through April 2 Youtube Live to Record 7 pm CDT
Fridays Tot Shabbat and Story Time Friday Mornings at 10 am
Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6 pm
Saturdays Discussion of the Text of the Weekly Torah Portion 9 am
Shabbat Morning Services 10 am |
Note about the Flu / Sickness
February 10, 2020
Dear Temple members,
Just sending a reminder that it’s flu season. This year, the flu and other illnesses are hitting especially hard. Though we appreciate your desire to attend our programming and services and we’d love to have you join us, it is important for the health and well-being of the members of the congregation, our staff, and visitors that those who believe that they might be sick or getting sick (think fever or sneezing and coughing regularly) to take precautions and not expose others. Thank you for helping us prevent the spread of the flu!
TBJ Staff