Wednesday night Adult Education has resumed!

Wednesday night Adult Education has resumed with two tracks, each meeting every other week on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 pm

— Foundations and Fundamentals of Jewish Life – This track of Jewish learning is appropriate for those who are Jewish, Jew-curious (interested in conversion), Jew-adjacent (not Jewish, but perhaps married to someone who is), or anyone looking to explore the basics of Jewish practice, history, and concepts.

Dates through January: Nov. 8, and 29, Dec. 13, Jan. 3, 17, and 31.



— Deeper dives – In this track, we will continue to explore some of the deeper, more challenging texts and questions of Jewish life. For those who participated on Wednesday nights last year, this is for you. And for those who couldn’t participate last year, now is your chance. No previous learning necessary, just an interest and a readiness to dive in and think deeply.

Dates through January: Nov. 1, and 15, Dec. 6, and 20, Jan. 10 and 24.