Support for Tree of Life Synagogue
Temple Friends,
Our hearts are heavy with sadness and shock as we mourn the victims of the mass shooting that occurred during Shabbat services at the Tree of Life Synagogue yesterday. As a way of offering some comfort and support to this Jewish community, we are asking our Temple members to send messages of comfort and/or to make donations to the victims’ families (, the Tree of Life Synagogue (, or HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance to refugees supported by the Tree of Life Synagogue,
Please send messages of comfort to by November 1st. You may also bring cards and messages to Family Shabbat on November 2nd. Jill and Rachele will package the messages and send them along with a care basket to the Tree of Life Synagogue.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Rachele Hjelmaas, Social Action Vision Leader
Jill Musin, Caring Committee Team