Adult Education
TBJ Adult Education Schedule for Spring 2021

Connecting – A Taste of Judaism Six Session Course
Connecting is a course taught by Rabbi Kaufman that will offer a basic understanding of each topic and address how to connect during this time of pandemic. It is appropriate for those just beginning a study of Judaism and for those who have been longtime members of the community.
Much is different in 2020.
All sessions will take place on Zoom at 7 pm and can also be seen on Facebook Live on Rabbi Kaufman’s page, David Jay Kaufman on Facebook. Zoom links will be provided through the Temple office for those interested in being able to ask questions and interact directly.
The schedule of classes follows:
Oct. 15 Connecting to Prayer
Oct. 29 Connecting to Jewish Calendar
Nov. 12 Connecting to Reform Judaism
Nov. 19 Connecting to Jewish Community
Dec. 3 Connecting to Israel
Dec. 10 Connecting to Chanukah
Rabbi’s Taste of Judaism 2019
Taste of Judaism is an opportunity to learn about the basics of Judaism.
We will briefly discuss the different kinds of Judaism, how Jews pray, life cycle events in the Jewish tradition and Jewish holidays.
The last day of class, we will look at the holiday of Chanukah in detail.
Whether you are just beginning to learn or want a refresher, we hope you will join us.
Oct 24—Streams of Judaism in Perspective
Nov 7—Jewish Textual Traditions
Nov 14—Worship and Prayer
Nov 21—Holidays
Dec 5—Life Cycles
Dec 19—Chanukah
All classes are 7:00-8:30 pm
You need not be interested in conversion to attend these six Taste of Judaism sessions.
Chai Mitzvah Program
Being Jewish means you learn and do, all your life. Our tradition teaches us the world stands on Torah, Avodah, and Gmilut Chasadim – learning, spirituality, and social action. That is, head, heart, and hand.
We point our children’s learning toward that moment when they become full members of our community, when they become Bar or Bat Mitzvah. What about after that? How do we develop, re-define our Jewish lives?
The Adult Education committees of Tifereth Isra-el and B’nai Jeshurun have decided to launch an innovative initiative for adults, Chai Mitzvah.
Chai Mitzvah has five basic components in a twelve-month program:
- Group study – meeting monthly on a set curriculum
- Independent study – something you would like to learn more about in Jewish life, history, literature, culture, & etc. Design your own independent study.
- Ritual – choosing a ritual or spiritual practice to incorporate into your life
- Social action – choosing either individually, or as a group to commit to a local volunteer opportunity
- Celebrate! – At the end of the twelve months, acknowledge the journey with some kind of celebration. Participants who finish the program receive a certificate from Chai Mitzvah, and a tree planted in their honor courtesy of Jewish National Fund’s collaboration with Chai Mitzvah.
Chai Mitzvah will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. beginning October 23. Please note, December’s meeting will be Tuesday the 18th. See schedule and topics below. The cost for the pro-gram is $36. Scholarships are available. Please sign up and receive your program packet from Erin Plank at the TBJ office. If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Shaffer: or (515) 343- 7831.
Tues, Oct 23
Tues, Nov 27 Tues, Dec 18 Tues, Jan 22 Tues, Feb 26 Tues, Mar 26 Tues, Apr 23 Tues, May 21 Tues, June 25 Tues, July 23 Tues, Aug 27 Tues, Sept 17 |
Tiffereth Israel
B’nai Jeshurun Tiffereth Israel B’nai Jeshurun Tiffereth Israel Tiffereth Israel B’nai Jeshurun Tiffereth Israel B’nai Jeshurun B’nai Jeshurun Tiffereth Israel B’nai Jeshurun |
Adult Rites of Passage
Tzedakah Individual and Community Interpersonal Relationships Mindfulness Passover Israel Modim Anachnu Lach The Environment Leadership Death and Loss Arc of Fall Holidays |
Rabbi Emily Barton
Rachelle Hjelmaas Rabbi Emily Barton Samantha Kemp-Carlin Christine Dietz Eleanah Siepmann Rabbi David Kaufman Christine Dietz Josh Mandelbaum Sally Frank Robin Carney Ryba Epstein |