Temple B'nai Jeshurun
Posts by Temple B'nai Jeshurun:
Please note our new Saturday morning service times.
Please note our new Saturday morning service times.
Torah Study – 9:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service – 10:30 am
Wednesday night Adult Education has resumed!
Wednesday night Adult Education has resumed with two tracks, each meeting every other week on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 pm
— Foundations and Fundamentals of Jewish Life – This track of Jewish learning is appropriate for those who are Jewish, Jew-curious (interested in conversion), Jew-adjacent (not Jewish, but perhaps married to someone who is), or anyone looking to explore the basics of Jewish practice, history, and concepts.
Dates through January: Nov. 8, and 29, Dec. 13, Jan. 3, 17, and 31.
— Deeper dives – In this track, we will continue to explore some of the deeper, more challenging texts and questions of Jewish life. For those who participated on Wednesday nights last year, this is for you. And for those who couldn’t participate last year, now is your chance. No previous learning necessary, just an interest and a readiness to dive in and think deeply.
Dates through January: Nov. 1, and 15, Dec. 6, and 20, Jan. 10 and 24.
Havdalah at TBJ on November 4, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
A Message from TBJ’s 150th Celebration Committee
Dear TBJ Members and Families,
Our hearts are broken over the violence in Israel last weekend. The acts of unspeakable evil unleashed on our brothers and sisters represent the largest loss of Jewish life in one day since the Shoah. We are in shock and know that the coming days and weeks will be a time of deep mourning and grief for our community.
In light of this tragedy, we do not believe this is the right time to hold our 150th anniversary celebration. What we hoped would be a joyful celebration of Jewish life in Des Moines simply cannot happen under the circumstances. Therefore, in consultation with Rabbi Schuster, we have decided to postpone the 150th Celebration scheduled for November 4.
However, we believe coming together is more important than ever. Please plan to join us for a congregational gathering on the evening of November 4, with more details to come soon.
We will be rescheduling the 150th celebration and will announce a new date as soon as possible. Our deepest hope is that when we do get together, we can celebrate our 150th anniversary and renewed peace in Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai,
Edye Beckerman, Judy Deutsch, Sharon Goldford, Rachele Hjelmaas, Emily Kruse, Miriam Van Heukelem and Rabbi Neal Schuster
Temple B’nai Jeshurun 150th Celebration Committee
Sukkot at TBJ
Yom Kippur at the Caspe Terrace
Erev Yom Kippur is this Sunday, September 24. Remember as you are coming to Caspe Terrace for Yom Kippur services, we are collecting boxed cereal for the month of September, as well as all non perishable food items. Thank you to everyone who has donated items so far!
The Fall 2023 Planned Parenthood Book Sale
Temple B’nai Jeshurun and Temple Sisterhood have a social action volunteer opportunity for our members!
The Fall 2023 Planned Parenthood Book Sale
They really could use some help at check out on Sunday, October 15.
If you are available, please let Jody Kolmen know at panicst4c@me.com and she can sign you up or go to the book sale website: ppbooksale.com and sign up yourself and your family or friends. If you sign up on your own, let the book sale know you’re with Temple B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood.