Temple B'nai Jeshurun
Posts by Temple B'nai Jeshurun:
TBJ Children’s Book Drive in Memory of Paxton Naiditch
To honor and celebrate Paxton Naiditch’s life and love of reading and learning, Paxton’s parents have asked for donations of new children’s books for children of all ages, to be donated to Children’s Hospital Nebraska. We will be collecting books at Temple through November 2. There are two convenient ways to give:
1) Drop off new children’s books at Temple (we are collecting in front of the Temple office), or
2) Purchase through our Amazon wish list – books purchased from this list will be delivered directly to Temple: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1R2SWDKTTMCDP?ref_=wl_share
Thank you for your generous support!
Des Moines Jewish congregation celebrates 150 years!
Dear Temple Members and Friends,
If you missed the story on KCCI Channel 8 about the Temple and our 150th Anniversary, please follow the link below to watch the story.
Attention families with recently-graduated high school seniors!
Your incoming college student can get a head start on Jewish college life and receive a FREE Welcome Gift from Hillel. By signing up for the Welcome Gift, they will get connected directly with their campus Hillel before they even arrive on campus. They’ll also have a chance to win one of five $500 gift cards for their college move-in needs. Sign up for their free welcome gift here : https://hillel.tfaforms.net/332
Join the TBJ Book Club!
The next Book Club meeting is on Zoom Monday, July 29 at 6:30p.m.
The book is by Kitty Zeldis, “The Dressmakers of Prospect Heights.” All are welcome. For more information and the Zoom link, please contact Ryba Epstein at epsteinryba@gmail.com.