Temple B'nai Jeshurun
Posts by Temple B'nai Jeshurun:
Save the Date! May 1st the TBJ Sisterhood invites you to Zoom-in on “The Creation of Fiddler on the Roof!”
Chag Sameach! Happy Passover, Everyone!
This year, we recorded a Passover Seder for you to watch as you conduct your Seder at home.
Laura Sparks, Sam Miller, Chuck Kuba and Rabbi Kaufman send you Passover greetings.
We hope you will enjoy our Seder!
You can find it by clicking on this link:
Family Friendly Megillah Reading Celebration Online this Thursday!
Join us this Thursday at 6 pm for our Family Friendly Megillah Reading celebration online led by Rabbi Kaufman. Wear your costumes, physical or virtual, and join us for our joyful annual reading! Contact the Temple office or make sure you are subscribed to our emails for the Zoom link.
Kumsitz on January 28
Instead Rabbi’s Adult Education Class this evening, we encourage everyone to register and attend this, honoring Debbie Friedman on her 10th Yahrzeit with a beautiful evening of her music led by some awesome musicians! Click on the link below and then click on the “Register” button.