Presidents of Temple B’nai Jeshurun Board of Trustees:
Present: Emily Kruse | 1960-1962: Alvin Kirsner |
2021-2023: Dana Dickson | 1958-1960: Lawrence Weinstock |
2019-2021: Bill Grund | 1956-1958: Boni Druker |
2017-2019: Alan Adato | 1954-1956: Leonard Neufeld |
2015-2017: Judy Shkolnick | 1952-1954: David H. Lipsey |
2012-2015: Sharon Goldford | 1950-1952: Alfred Boldes |
2011-2012: Robert Gitchell | 1948-1950: Albert Berkowitz |
2009-2011: Richard Kirsner | 1946-1947: William Friedman, Sr. |
2007-2009: Stacie Franklin | 1945-1946: Louis E. Cohen |
2005-2007: Stuart Feldstein | 1944-1945: Sam Abramson |
2003-2005: Anne Loeb | 1942-1944: Saul Ginsberg |
2001-2003: Tom Press | 1940-1942: Ben Sanders |
1999-2001: Norman Mandelbaum | 1937-1939: Sam Abramson |
1997-1999: Judy Deutch | 1935-1936: Harry Goldman |
1995-1997: John Mandelbaum | 1933-1934: Joseph Brody |
1993-1995: Bruce Sherman | 1927-1932: Morris O. Kahn |
1991-1993: Steven Schoenebaum | 1925-1926: Mose Cohen |
1989-1991: Anita Mandelbaum | 1924-1925: Jocob Lince |
1987-1989 Thomas Goldman | 1918-1923: Morris Samish |
1985-1987: Harry Pomerantz | 1916-1917: Anselm Frankel |
1983-1985: Ben Swartz | 1911-1915: Max Schloss |
1981-1983: Jay Daniels | 1901-1910: Julius Mandelbaum |
1979-1981: Jill Kneeter | 1899-1900: Isaac Long |
1977-1979: Milton Brown | 1894-1899: Abraham Sheuerman |
1975-1977: Matthew Bucksbaum | 1892-1893: Moritz Riegelman |
1973-1975: Fred Lorber | 1890-1891: Moses Strauss |
1971-1973: Roy Swarzman | 1888-1889: Moritz Riegelman |
1969-1971: Edward Glazer | 1887-1888: Marcus Younker |
1967-1969: Robert Lubetkin | 1883-1887: Abraham Sheuerman |
1966-1967: Julian Brody | 1881-1882: Moritz Riegelman |
1964-1966: Jerome Wolf | 1879-1880: David Goldman |
1962-1964: Robert Mannheimer | 1878-1879: Isaac Kuhn |